When you hear the terms burglary, robbery, and theft, you might consider them synonyms. However, under California Penal Code, burglary, robbery, and theft are considered individual and separate crimes; each […]

Like many states, California classifies theft offenses according to the value of the property taken. California law measures the value of stolen property by the reasonable and fair market value […]

Theft weakens the fabric of any culture. From the dawn of human history, citizens have been taught that stealing is immoral and cannot be tolerated. As societies have become more […]

Do Not Underestimate The Role Of Related Experience When facing criminal charges in Orange County, it is paramount that the accused chooses the best criminal lawyer available. This is true […]

How The Police Have Embraced Online Networks As Crime Fighting Tools Law enforcement has long depended on the eyes and ears of the community to help them identify suspects, conduct […]