What Is The Appeals Process Like in California? Even once someone has been convicted of a crime, the fight for justice is not over. Many innocent people have their convictions […]

A Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney Key to a Positive Outcome Criminal defense lawyers represent defendants who are facing charges of criminal activity. While some criminal defense attorneys specialize in only […]

Charges Require an Experienced Domestic Violence Attorney California law does not have just one solitary statute that outlines domestic violence. Instead, there are a number of crimes that can fall […]

Why is an Expert DUI Lawyer Important? Perhaps more than any other criminal offense, experience working on similar cases is essential to a DUI attorney’s ability to present a successful […]

Experienced Drug Attorney Presents a Strong Defense California has strict drug laws, outlined in the Health and Safety Code section 11352 and 11379. These statutes make it illegal to possess, transport, […]

Retain Rights with an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Most people recognize that a felony is a more serious offense than a misdemeanor, but many don’t realize the dramatically greater impact […]

Expert Fraud Lawyers Offer the Best Opportunity to Avoid Prison Fraud convictions don’t get the same degree of attention in the news as violent crimes, but in some cases the […]

The United States Supreme Court Declares Their Landmark Decision In Padilla v. Kentucky Is Not Retroactive, But Non-Citizens Seeking To Overturn Their Convictions Due To Ineffective Advice From Counsel Still […]

The California Supreme Court addressed the issue of whether local governments could ban stores within their borders where marijuana was being legally sold to qualified patients under the State’s Compassionate […]