California Vehicle Code violations include many different crimes. These range from minor offenses such as driving with a broken taillight, to more serious charges such as reckless driving, illegal street […]

Kidnapping Attorney California Penal Code Sections 207, 208, 209. And 209.5 establish the state’s kidnapping laws. To be convicted of “simple” kidnapping, a prosecutor must prove: you moved another person […]

Homicide Attorney A homicide is the killing of another person, whether lawful or unlawful. Murder, manslaughter, and justified killings are all included under the category of homicide. Definition of Murder: […]

California Penal Code Section 186.22 is California’s street gang enhancement law. It is not a specific crime, but rather an umbrella of charges that can be applied to someone who […]

Crimes against religion, conscience, good morals, and patriotism cover a wide variety of illegal acts ranging from the persecution of another based on their religious background, to treason. Crimes against […]

It can be incredibly devastating for both you and the ones you love when you are charged with Crimes Against Public Health and Safety. Crimes Against Public Health and Safety […]

California Penal Code Sections 548-551 are laws that pertain to crimes against insured property and insurers. If convicted, you may face prison time and fines of up to $50,000 depending […]

California Penal Code Section 337a(1)-(6) covers illegal acts of bookmaking. Bookmaking is generally associated with bookies or people who are not taking the legal steps to accept bets. Generally, it […]

An attempt to kill, commonly referred to as attempted murder, is a very serious crime that may result in life in prison if you are convicted. A prosecutor must prove: […]